10 Beginner Steps To Digital Marketing

Michael Barbarita • September 5, 2023

Digital Marketing is time consuming and at times tedious. However marketing over the internet is a very cost effective way to get business. The key to digital marketing is writing, preparing videos and podcasts that educate others about your expertise.

Notice I did not say the key to marketing on the internet is promoting your product or service, or clever advertising copy. The search engines and especially Google want to be the main source of information for everything. They seek out informative articles and late breaking information to index and prioritize. So it only stands to reason that if you have information and education to impart that you will get recognized by the search engines.

So, to make sure you are on the right track, you should include:

1. Have a good website.

2. Create good Title Tags, Meta Descriptions and Keywords into your website.

3. Effective back linking. Having other websites point to your website.

4. Identifying the right keywords

5. Writing press releases with keyword rich content

6. Posting articles to your blog using keyword rich content

7. Posting articles to Forums using keyword rich content

8. Preparing videos and podcasts

9. Use RSS Feeds

10. Building email databases by giving away some of your expertise.

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