Expanding Products Or Services

Michael Barbarita • July 14, 2023

If you already provide a quality product or service, your current customers will be open to a variety of items you introduce, recommend, or endorse to them. Look, your current customers trust you, don’t they? Then they will DEMAND additional products and services from you because they do trust you.

Unfortunately, most businesses don’t have additional products or services to offer their client base, so you want to ask yourself, “what other products or services could my customers find valuable?”

Once you make up a list of those offerings, go out and contact the providers of those offerings and set yourself up as an affiliate and negotiate a referral fee. 

In a recent case study, we found $18,000 in additional annual revenue by simply offering additional products and services to their customer base. 

That’s $18,000 in incremental annual revenue assuming most of that hits the bottom line (At least 75% usually does) increases the valuation of that business somewhere in the range of $40,000 - $54,000.

If you already have the customer’s trust with one product, it’s always a good idea to use that trust to expand!

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