From Craftsman to CEO: The Mindset Shift Every Entrepreneur Must Make

Michael Barbarita • March 28, 2024

As entrepreneurs, we often start our businesses because we're exceptional at a core skill or craft - whether it's construction, marketing, software development, or another specialty. Our earliest years are spent wearing every hat, working in the nitty-gritty details that leverage our talents to deliver for customers.

But eventually, a mindset shift must occur if we want our companies to truly scale and thrive without us. We have to reframe our identities, going from expert craftsman to visionary CEO. This means approaching leadership, strategy, financial management, hiring/development, and processes in an entirely new way.

The CEO mindset means separating yourself from daily operations and weeds. It's about setting the overarching vision, putting the right people and systems in place, and holding them accountable to execute your plan - not doing every task yourself at the expense of strategic efforts. Make this mental shift, and you'll achieve the business independence and growth you deserve.

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