For decades, businesses have been conditioned to believe that touting the "lowest price" is an effective way to attract customers. Commercials and ads constantly scream about deep discounts, unbeatable deals, and bargain-basement pricing. However, this pricing-obsessed approach to marketing is fundamentally flawed and self-defeating. By making price the sole focus, you immediately devalue and commoditize your business. Prospects have no way to evaluate your true competitive differentiators if pricing is all you emphasize. You're forced into a perpetual race to the bottom that you can never win.
The truth is, very few purchasers actually make buying decisions based solely on price. Even extremely budget-conscious consumers consider much more than just the sticker tag. They want to feel confident they're receiving the best total value proposition factoring in quality, service, expertise, trustworthiness and overall return on their investment. Sophisticated buyers avoid cheapest options at all costs because they understand the risks of lacking value.
Effective marketing should educate prospects on why your company justifies a premium pricing position based on superior offerings and unmatched capabilities. It proves why you may cost more but provide exponentially greater upside. Instead of obsessing over who can undercut who, the messaging articulates how your premium products/services generate tangible results that transcend mere cost comparisons. You want customers viewing price as a wise investment, not an expense to be minimized at all costs.
Harping on price turns you into a commodity and turns off prospects predisposed to Value Match their needs with the best overall solution. Emphasize the unbeatable value you provide, and premium pricing positioning becomes an obvious choice for buyers desiring quality over rock-bottom costs.
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