Tools For Success

Michael Barbarita • April 4, 2022

In order to succeed in business, you need three things.  One is the ability to take action. Two is Self Mastery, which is taking control of your mind and thoughts.  Lastly, you need the proper tools.

The ability to take action and self mastery come from within, but the proper tools can come from a good CFO.

Your CFO should use tools that:

1. Clarify how much cash they will have or need at any point in the future. 

2. Allow the business owner to choose multiple scenarios to see what can happen if:

  • Sales/revenues change up or down.
  • Expenses change up or down.
  • Inventory changes up or down.
  • Debt structure increases or decreases.
  • Capital Expenditures increase or decrease.
  • Headcounts increase or decrease.

3. Determine optimum inventory levels.

4. Determine optimum timing of making trade/expense payables and how much to pay.

5. Determine a company's ability to make capital expenditures.

6. Determine whether a company should lease or buy capital equipment.

7. Determine when a business owner can retire and still pull out a paycheck from the business.

8. Determine how much debt you will have at any particular point in time.

9. Determine what the business owner has to do to increase cash flow.

10. Determine break even points.

11. Determine optimum inventory receipts or manufacturing output.

12. Determine optimum expense levels.

13. Help develop operating budgets.

14. Help determine optimum headcount.

15. Assist in determining Business Valuation.

16. Help Determine key metrics.

17. Determine the effect of adding or eliminating a product line or business segment.

18. Determine the effect of adding or eliminating a store location.

The proper tool described above is the Rolling Business and Cash Flow Forecast. 

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