Over the next Several Weeks we will be posting a new and different one-minute video providing business tips and instructional commentary for small business owners. These tips will range from key metrics to consider to the importance of Business and Cash Flow Forecasting.
One thing that a CFO does that is a great business strategy is helping clients find strategic partners so that they can share resources and generate more business. This is a powerful growth strategy. My name is Michael Barbarita from Next Step CFO providing outsourced CFO Services with your know your numbers minute. Strategic partnerships are when two or more companies share resources and collectively improve results. I’ve helped my clients with strategic partnerships to get access to equipment they would have never had access to otherwise, I also helped them to reduce expenses that they never would have been able to otherwise, and helped them increase sales in ways they would have never been able to do without their strategic partner. Click on the “learn more” link right inside this video for another video on strategic partners, and remember, the most successful business owners know their numbers!
The post Strategic Partners first appeared on Nextstepcfo.net blog.
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